Friday, 15 July 2011

bluetooth lowenergy - CoreBluetooth - Writing data from Central to Peripheral -

I sent provided by Apple to sample CoreBluetooth and application I am able to send data from the central peripheral, now I write data need after peripheral Googling central I found that it can be used [_ discoveredPeripheral writeValue: AData forCharacteristic: charc type: CBCharacteristicWriteWithResponse];

After Central is used to send messages to their implementation, peripheral:

  - (minus) SendMessage: (NSString *) strMessage {NSData * AData = [strMessage dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; CBMutableCharacteristic * charc = [[CBMutableCharacteristic alloc] initWithType: [CBUUID UUIDWithString: TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID] Properties: CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite value: zero permissions: CBAttributePermissionsWriteable]; [DDXXPprifer Written value: attata for attaita: chalk type: cbc special detailswhite response]; }  

When I call this method, it is not capable of writing data, see below instead I down Korluleshn warning console me,

  CoreBluetooth [WARNING] & LT; CBMutableCharacteristic: 0x15e8e420 UUID = 08590F7E-DB05-467E-8757-72F6FAEB13D4, Value = (zero), Properties = 0x8, 0x2 permissions =, Description = (zero), SubscribedCentrals = ()> State = cut & gt 0x15d91250 identifier = 37C314AF-FDB3-1F24-6937-8780B97AAB45, name = "ipad",;: CBPeripheral; Peripheral & lt provides a valid symptom is not  

This is the best way to achieve the object of someone Perifayrl that good will and how does start sending Perifayrl Data Central.

EDIT I have shown the way

However, in this case I am not able to loop services whenever I try to make these services Gives = zero

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