Sunday, 15 August 2010

class - Return.Page Account ID -

How can I add syntax to account id itemprop = "text">

My code does not work below

  public class BAW3_class {Private ID IDAI {Received; Set;} public BAW3_class (ApexPages.StandardController stdcontroller) {accId = stdcontroller.getRecord () Id; } Receive public decimal test value { Set; } Public page reference next page () {if (testValue == tap) {ApexPages.addMessage (New ApexPages.Message (ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Required Value')); Return tap; } TestValue + = 500; Return Page.BAW3? Id = accid; }  

id Page.BAW3? Id = .......

It is possible to thank

edit 18.03.2015

< P> Unfortunately this does not work.

Below I will post the whole code again. I hope this will help in finding the problem. I get a page with the price but I also need account information.

Visualforces: Page

  & lt; Top: Page Controller = "BestlessSwartz 3_class" showheader = "wrong" sidebar = "wrong" & gt; {! Testvalue} & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Apex: DataTable value = "{! ACCList}" var = "record" & gt; {!} & lt; / Apex: dataTable & gt; & Lt; / Supreme: Page & gt;  

Visualforces: prepaid to add value

  & lt; Top: Page Controller = "BestSquashing 3-Class" ShowHeared = "Wrong" Sidebar = "Wrong" & gt; & Lt; Top: section title title = "BW1" subtitle = "next page test" /> & Lt; Top: Forms & gt; & Lt; Top: Page Message ID = "Message" /> & Lt; Top: Page Block & gt; & Lt; Apex: commandbutton value = "wart für sv-erparnis" action = "{next page}" /> & Lt; Head: Input Text = "{testValue}" /> & Lt; / Supreme: pageBlock & gt; & Lt; / Supreme: Forms & gt; & Lt; / Supreme: Page & gt;  


  get public class Bestandsauswertung3_class {Private ID (IDIID); Set;} public list & lt; Account & gt; Ecllish {receive; Set;} Public Bestandsauswertung3_class () {accId = ApexPages.currentPage () GetParameters (). Get ('id'); AccList = [SELECT Name, from the NumberOfEmployees account WHERE Unternehmens_Id_Long__c =: accId]; AnteilM = 0; Antif F = 0; GetEZRen (); } Public Integer AnteilM {get; Set;} public integer antile F {receipt; Set;} get public decimal test value {get; Set; } Public page reference next page () {if (testValue == tap) {ApexPages.addMessage (New ApexPages.Message (ApexPages.Severity.ERROR, 'Required Value')); Return tap; } TestValue + = 500; Return a new page reference ('/ Apex / BestSwordEng 3? Id =' + ACID); } Public Zero getEZRen () {List & lt; Einzelrisiko__c & gt; EZRList = [SELECT Geschlecht__c from Einzelrisiko__c WHERE Unternehmens_Id_Long__c =: accId]; For (Inzlaricı __c EZR: Ezorrust) (IF (EZR.GSchlechTT__C == 'W') {ANTLF ++;} If (EZR.Geschlecht__c == 'M') {AnteilM ++;  

Do the following:

  New page reference (' / Apex / BAW3? Id = '+ accid);  

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