Tuesday, 15 April 2014

How do I delete ContentTypes in Bolt.cm? -

I have just established and have offered to generate some sample content that I did. So now there are 3 content types: Pages, Entries and Performance.

I want to place pages and entries but do not want to perform. How do I remove them? I can remove the section from the contenttypes.yml file and they disappear from the front-end, but it leaves the bolt_showce table in the database, as well as the ' Rows in other tables like Showcase ' bolt_taxonomy .

Do I need to manually remove all of this? How can I ensure that I have removed all the marks in the old material type? Content type records are limited The only thing that avoids a single table range is that the relation of classification relations

To achieve whatever you want, delete Showcase Records in the UI, which will remove the relationship, if any, you can safely drop the bolt_showcase table .

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