Tuesday 15 April 2014

objective c - Adding An AlertView At viewWillAppear, iPhone -

I see as soon as a view appears (without using a single button) I try to show an alert view I am doing Viewcontroller.m I have:

  - (zero) viewWillAppear: (bool) animated {UIAlertView * warning = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: @ "User Info" Message: @ "hello "Representative: Self cancelTutNitile: any other button titles: @" continue ", zero]; [Alerts show]; [Warning issued]; }  

and I have in viewcontroller.h:

  IBOutlet UIView * warning;  

I have not done anything to my .xib file

When running simulators I get the following in the console:.

2009-11-11 23: 41: 36.079 BatteryApp [867: 20b] *** Expected exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', due to reason the app ended: '- [UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed: bundle:] "BatteryAppViewController" was full of nibbles but had a visual outlet

Any idea where I went wrong to take something from my xib, wrong?

Edit // I have not set any new sequence alert to connect in my xib, even then fails. Text after "

The problem is that two major animations (for viewing current view, and a warning for Is going to be overlap

  1. The warning code is in viewDidAppear viewWillAppear

  2. Call [Alert Display Selector: @selector (Show off) withObject: after zero: 1) . This ensures that the warning is generated after the current animation is over.

You may still have to be careful about issuing a warning if I were you, then I would like a different method (for example And then call it to see DAADPER:

  - (zero) viewDeadapp: Object with BOOL animated {[Self Display Secretary: @Selector (SHAHELO): after zero : 0.0 F]; [Super viewedapper: animated]; }  

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