Tuesday 15 April 2014

iphone - I want to scroll to a row in a table view, select the cell then deselect it, but its being deselected before i see it -


im down

using the code
  [sampleListTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath: indexPath atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle Animated: Yes]; [Select SampleListTableViewRockoutPath: IndexPath Animated: Yes ScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle]; [Unselect SampleListTableViewWindexpath: Animated Pathway: Yes];  

Behavior I see that the table will scroll to the visible path (this is) then the cell is a momentary selection (which is it is on the cell screen)

im thinking that the book animation is threaded and before the cell is being selected on the screen, it is when I select this code with the cell on the screen and call it as follows In a way confirmed the dislike.

Anyone have an alternative solution? I can do it in this way (without book animation), but it is not as sweet, in fact very sudden

  [sampleListTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath: indexPath atScrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle Animated: NO]; [SampleListTableView selectRowAtIndexPath: indexPath Animated: Yes scrollPosition: UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle]; [Unselect SampleListTableViewWindexpath: Animated Pathway: Yes];  


I'm not sure, but you have to implement some representative methods of the UIScrollViewDelegate Protocol Can try Like Smth

  - (zero) scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation: (UIScrollView *) ScrollView { 

and deselect there

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