Wednesday 15 June 2011

xcode - Flickering UIView in Simulator running from a Playground -

I am running a playground, Xcode 6.3 (6D543q). So swift 1.2

Playground import XCPlayground I make a UIView and I am calling it the XCPShowView () to render the simulator instead of the playing field. I am presenting the UIAlertView in the same way.

The UIAlertView is normally visible. A UIView flickers between a bigger and smaller size about 5 times a second, proper irregular. I have tried resizing it but have tried to meet the limit of luck

code below ....

  // playground - noun: There is a place where people can import imported iiKIT imports Foundation Import Expanded XCPlayground.XCPSetExecutionShouldContinueIndefinitely (continuINDefinitely: true) @objc Class AlertHandler: NSOBX, UIAlertViewyGate {Fan AlertViews (Warning View: UIAlertview, Clicked ButtonAtinday X button index: int) {if buttonIndex & gt; 0 {// see things .... go redRectangleFrame = CGRect (X: 0, Y: 0, width: 200, height: 200) to redRectangle = UIView (frame: redRectangleFrame) redRectangle.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor () redRectangle .setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints (false) XCPShowView ( "Red Rectangle", redRectangle) things to see // warning ... receiving Denalertuwu = Chetavnipradrshit to text = alertView.textFieldAtIndex (0)?. text println ( "\ (text!)") Println ( "button" \ (buttonIndex))}}} Let anAlertHandler = alertHandler () let Status = "Hey there!" Give the message- "Do you have a moment to talk about our God and Savior, Kathallu?" Let's cancel = "sound weird" fix = "oh yeah!" Let's warning = UIAlertView (Title: Status, Send Message, representatives: AnAlertHandler, CancelButtonTitle: Cancel, OtherButtonTitles: OK) alert.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput () XCPShowView ( "alert", warning)  

field examples of some flicker simulator test game seen locally with some (example crashed for me (Version 6.3.2 (6D2105))

(His animation was visible, but was flickering, and a Iwyapi)

There are some limitations and drag it back into Uaiket in playgrounds. The priority is that there are some problems with the auto layout when used in the playgrounds. Some hurdles, in addition to the increase in compile time, can be the reason for runtime exceptions. Hopefully future updates of Xcode will solve this. While using XCPlayground another delusional playgrounds may be delayed because Xcode works with the running iOS simulator behind the gamecode.

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