Saturday 15 January 2011

.net - Project code managment using SVN -

I have started working on a project. I would like to store this project using demolition I use VisualSVN Server and I have installed TortoiseSVN. I

This project includes several small projects, some of them I need all the time, some of them are no questions:

  1. Should I store the whole project in a dissection project directory?
  2. What about the solution file (* .sln)? Should it be stored in SVN also?
  3. There is a structure on the project (it will be used later in other projects) but whenever I am working with the base project, I still need it
  4. < Li> What should I do if I need to work on a portion of the project? Do I have an easy way to checkout / export my SAVN directory at a time?

    1. Yes, in a nutshell - but you will be able to

        Project / Branches Project / Trunk Project / Tag  

      You initially have all your code Put in the trunk and then, if necessary, later create tags and branches.

      You want to start keeping everything in a svn project folder structure together because it is simple (you do not have to roam with the solution file).

      If you prefer to choose brake parts of projects later in different SVN projects in your own right, then you can rename a 'svn' and create standard branches, trunk and tag folders for them. You just need to modify the reference in the solution file or use the svn: externals approach.

    2. Absolutely - you should store everything that is not generated on svn: ignore attributes (such as obj and bin directory) on a built-in folder, therefore 'svn status' Forgot to add an important file when you will get useful feedback.

    3. A mechanism is svn: external which enables you to create a link in a subdivision repository (or external overhead repository) in another location - which gives you a folder You might want to check with STV for the specific level of virtual level: You may want to consider creating external references so that other people's changes in the framework do not break your project.

      svn: External things can make things very confusing with caution.

    4. You can check the folder hierarchy at any level in the subdivision

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