Saturday 15 January 2011

Mongoose one has many relations between Schemas -

I know that this question has been raised many times ago and Mongo does not have "many" connections, but I So far, I failed to make the connection between the two schemas. Here's what I have:

User model (user.js)

  var userSchema = mongoose.Schema ({post: {_id: {type: Schema.Type object) Id, ref: 'post'}, title: {type: string, ref: 'post'}}, facebook: {id: string, token: string, email: string, name: string}});  

and post schema (post.js)

  var meetingsSharma = Mongoose Sema ({title: string, description: string, _owner: {type: schema} type id, referee: 'user'}, owner name: {type: string, ref: 'user'}, created_t: {type: date , Default: Date.Now},});  

I use the schema population and it works right with the post: Owner of each one, however, it does not work well with users. I want to be able to recover the list of users who belong to those posts. In Routes Js I define an API call to the database

  app .get ('/ API / user', function (rick, ridge)) {user.find (function (mistake, user) { If (mistake) res.send (err) res.json (user);}) populate ('posts._id', 'posts.title');});  

But, in the shell and (not surprisingly) clientide user.posts in the blank array. How can I tie these two models properly?

Just a wild guess

  1. You are user.find all users.
  2. Then you return them all.
  3. Then you pop the post id and the title, which already too late because you have already sent users.

See examples of population.

In addition to this, I hope that .posts property to be an array, not just the aircraft article comment property view.

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