Saturday 15 August 2015

ios - Coreplot annotations draw over the axis -

There is a picture here that I think this issue has been shown quickly. You just need to download an example from the Git Hub, go to the Curved Scatter plot example and tap on the point to reveal point dots, then scroll the graph to move the points from the graph.

Enter image details here

Then we generally like annotations that float above all, but there are times when we axis set additive, in this case we set them them:

  x.axisConstraints = [CPTConstrains constraintwithRelativeOffset: 0.5]; Y.axisConstraints = [CPTConstrains constraint with ourfolder: 0.0];  

We want the annotation that we add, and want to draw it as a gridline, plot line and plot point.

I have tried the following as a test, to see what will happen and it does not help.

  // reordering layer [annotation host level indices: annotation. Content layer atx: 0]; [Annotation hostile settings display];  

This will remove gridlines, aces on annotations, but the annotation will still close the graph.

I am using sample code from Corelot, there is a Gitbub and the chart I am using is the "Curved Scatter Plot" graph.

Update: I've been fooling around with masks and masks for ports Toba. It seems that if the axis is drawn in the boundaries of the boundaries, then masking will work on the border, which is not so. These clips have been seen around yaxis for other clipping codes but have not used any advantage.

Hide the content layers of any annotations that fall outside the desired area of ​​plot changes in space Use a plot space representative to monitor and hide or hide annotations as needed.

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