Thursday, 15 March 2012

scala - How to deploy TypeSafe Activator based application to an Apache Spark cluster? -

My application uses Apache SPARC for the Play Framework for background data processing and front end interfaces.

Now, the problem is that I want to deploy this app in the SPARC cluster. How can the SBT application be deployed on a cluster using spark-deposit , but what to do with activator-based applications?

Please note that I understand how to use Spark with activator, my question is about deployment of applications on cluster , such as EC2 etc.

The application, by the way, is written in Scala.

I am open to suggestions such as allowing two applications to decoding and interacting them. Except I do not know how to do it, so if you are suggesting that the reference will be very appreciated.


I tried to add dependency to the build.sbt file in an activator project and I got the following error Receives:

  [info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi # jansi; 1.4 ... [Error] When the data has not been loaded then it is impossible to get artifacts. IvyNode = org.slf4j # slf4j-api; 1.6.1 [Trace] Stack trace is clamped: Run the last run: Update to full output [Error] (*: Update) java.lang.IllegalStateException: Impossible to get artifacts when the data is not loaded . IvyNode = org.slf4j # slf4j-api; 1.6.1  

In this way I have added dependencies to the build.sbt file:

  // All Apache Spark Dependency Library Drives ++ = Sik ( "Org.apache.spark"% "SPARC-Core_2.10"% SPARC VERSION% "" Source (), "org.apache.spark"% "spark-sql_2.10" has been provided with% SparkWarson% "Source" has been provided with "org.apache.spark"% "SPARC-Streaming_2.10"% SPARC WARSON% "" provided with the source, "org.apache.spark"% "spark- Mllib_2.10 "% spark warsen%" sleep S "" ())  

and revolver:

  // All Apache Spark Revolver Reserves ++ = Seek ("Apache Repos "On" "," local repo ", +" / .m2 / repository ", // added local repository resolver  

There is only SBT with the catalyst Three changes:

  • Make projects with templates "New" command for the user
  • A "UI" command to open a tutorial UI
  • tries to think that if you want to open the UI "Activate To force the command line, use "open the activator"

So whatever you read about SBT, if you wish, you can use SBT You can also use, but unless you use "new" or "UI" The same thing, the short answer to your question is probably the SBT-Basic-Packager plugin and its "steps" function; There is a deployment section of play docs that describes it.

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