Thursday, 15 March 2012

localhost - videowhisper live streaming php script with red 5 or wowza -

I own RTMP servers with tryed red5 to setup and my own local Red5 to your streaming website want to use RTMP address (ustream with videowhisper) so my user can stream the currents of others on your server on my website and see and I do not have to buy Akspensiv server online RTMP ed Veedovospr Crescent is needed so please someone tell me what else this im would need for this thing, to do so.

I have installed Red5 on my local host and the server started and is running. .? I RTMP set VideoWhisper to RTMP: php $ rtmp_server = "RTMP // myipaddress but I have a connection get failed


  & lt's settings.php: // Local Host: 1935 / VideoWhisper-Live "; // rtmp: // your- server-ip-or-domain / application $ rtmp_amf = "AMF3"; // AMF3: empty Red5, Wowza, FMIS3, FMIS3.5 // AMF0: FCS1.5, FMS2 // flash default $ rtmfp_server = "rtmfp: // 1a624022ff71 /"; negotiangin P2P // connection RTMFP server where possible their own independent developer key / address Get //: $ tokenKey = "VideoWhisper"; // This can be used to secure access as configured in the RTMP server settings (Secure TokenShort). $ Ban_names = Array ("ban_name1", "ban_name2"); // Ban channel or user name $ httpstreamer = "http: // localhost: 1935 / videohoser /"; // HTTP Live Streaming stre usually Wowza hosting if Packetizers Http://wwwkvideowhisperkcom/?p=Wowza+Media+Server+Hosting or see the path with http // are able : //www.wowza Com / forum / content.php? 217 # CURTINOSTREAMING // Channel limit for use of // default limit of 2 hours per week; maximum session time = 7200000; // 7200000 MS = 2H; Unlimited $ reset time = 7 * 3600 * 24; // weekly? & Gt;  

If anyone knows how to do this with vowa that is ok I have also installed Wojena

Please find me a solution for

If you set the RTMP address correctly, including port and stream name , And if you can run this stream in your local network, then there is a good chance that some port was made in 1935 by your Red 5 server and VideoGeoster Ic is blocking communication.

The firewall can be blocked from 1935, so you can try to use your streaming server like a famous port such as 80 or 8080 instead of 8080.

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