I'm working on a relatively simple map with many markers on it. I use markerwithlabel.js to add labels to my markers and almost works as desired by it is just a simple problem. LabelContent gives every manufacturer a number as much as it wants, except it leaves the first one . This is a part of the code. (Var i = 0; i & lt; locations.length; i ++) for {
{var marker = new markerwith label ({status: locations [i] .latlng, map: map , Labeledantant: i, labeled anchor: new google.maps.Point (10, 0), labelClass: "label", // css class for label label: style: {obscurity: 0.75}});
This is what I get
As you can see that a small red block is empty. The first item is why it leaves this item and starts counting from the other?
Hope this is a bit obvious and someone can help me.
Make a string of label content. (Var i = 0; i & lt; locations.length; i ++) for {
{var marker = new markerWithLabel ({status: locations [i] .latlng, map: map Label label: "" + i, label anchor: new google.maps.Point (10, 0), labelClass: "labels", // label label style for CSS class: {Opacity: 0.75}});
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