Saturday, 15 February 2014

DAX: How to count rows with correlations to another row? -

Due to being new to dex, prepare questions related to counting rows for my questions and question-answer pairs I'm having trouble. Normal scenario is the two models with a table, which holds the question of model surveys and answers coupling where 1 question can have n response options from 1. The main data in the facts table is responsive, answer This table answers a 'Q & A' table, in which the main answer to the answer is the main answer. In this table, there is reference to the question table in turn, which contains information about the question.

I am trying to solve the query of the form, how many people answered the question X, but did not answer question Y? In other words, how much did the answer to question 12 of the people who answered Question 1?

When no question is answered, there is no line for question response in the fact table.

I am trying to prepare a solution for fact tables, survey responses and believe that some calculation (requires) operation but there is some promising clue in a video, but I Can not extract a lot on the hunch because this product creates a duplicate table for subcategory, and I'm not sure that this table is being imported twice, and because it uses UserRelationship Literacy is probably in my case I will import two questions but do not understand. I'm not using slicers, so be a part of the difference.

This measure directs the primary level to the highest level unit survey.

Environment vs. 2013 tabular bi model, SQL Server 2012, Excel 2013.

The first base solution for calculating all the answers in the fact table.

  NumAnswers: COUNTROWS (FactResponse)  

Second, a clear measure to count the answers to QuestionID 1. You replace a hard-coded measurement A special question can be changed with the solution X to select a disconnected slicer.

  Q1Answers: = CALCULATE ([NumAnswers], question [questonID] = 1)  

Finally, filter question 3 (Or, choose question w Edit this subclass of people who do not respond to a disconnected slicer solution).

  DidntAnswerQ3: = CALCULATE ([Q1Answers], FILTER (VALUES (responsive [responsive]], calculate ([NumAnswers], Questio NS [QuoInd] = 3) = 0))  

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