Tuesday 15 January 2013

Where do Apache Samza and Apache Storm differ in their use cases? -

I have stumbled upon the fact that Samza does the opposite with the storm, but only to address the implementation details looks like.

What is the difference between these two distributed computing engines in their use cases? What type of work is good for every device?

The biggest difference between Apache storm and Apache has come down to understand how the data Let's process it to stream.

Apache calculates real time using storm topology and feeds it in a cluster where the master node performs the code between the worker nodes execute it. Topology data has passed between spouts, which leaves the data stream as the unchanging set of key-value pairs.

The architecture of Apache Storm is here: Enter image details here

< P> Apache understood stream is processed in messages as a bar, the streams are divided into those divisions, which are an indexed sequence where each has a unique ID. It supports batching and is usually used with the headphones yarn and Apache Kafka

Here is the architecture of Apache explained:

Read more about each of the systems in executing the features given below for more information about specific methods.

Case of use

Apache was created by LinkedIn.

A software engineer wrote:

It has been in production on LinkedIn for many years and currently runs on hundreds of machines at many data centers . Our biggest Samza job is processed over 1,000,000 messages per second during peak traffic hours.

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