Tuesday 15 January 2013

r - S3 Class plot method conflicting with package methods -

itemprop = "text">

I have a collection of R scripts that defines an S3 class using different methods, model types and costs Works for large secret places to search. In order to visualize the progress of the search, I have defined some class specific plot methods and I use method remitting to ensure that the classes see the right function, especially, I have plot. There are conspiracy methods defined as fs_forward_model , etc. For example, I also have a file with method remitting tasks, for example, plot = function (x, ...) UseMethod ('plot', x)

< P> This is all great and this set of my classes works very well in this manner but when I am using glmnet and I want to make a plot of lasso results, then I get an error which is my method The transmission line is generated. Traceback looks like this:

  4 stops ("X" is a list, but the component does not have 'x' and 'y') 3 xy.coords (x, y, xlabel, ylabel , Log) Plot 2. plot (llr) FS_MethodDispatch.R # 14 Plot (llr)  

caused by my call to cause a plot for the glmnet object originated from

To ensure that my dispatch does not interfere with others, call glmnet for any suggestions, i.e., llr = glmnet (x, Y, family = 'gaussian') appreciate the package Is.

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