I want to create an Android application where I can communicate with a keyboard (hidden). First of all, I try to communicate with the keyboard via the usb host, but it seems that the keyboard does not appear on UsbManager.getDeviceList ().
I have read about AOA. My problem is that I do not know how I can install the protocol. I understand that the Android device should communicate with an assistant, but I do not know if a standard keyboard is an assistant or if my keyboard is modified. In the second case, how can I do this? I want to plug my keyboard USB directly to the Android device.
I have tried the application using Alice but mUsbManager.getAccessoryList () Return Rick. How do I know the model and creator for setting up a USB accessory filter?
Thank you for your help.
I have worked on external keyboard integration with Android device. I also found that not all keyboards will be identified by device, only Lenovo and logo tech keyboard can be searched. If you are looking for code, please see
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