Wednesday, 15 September 2010

ios - Facebook pop kPOPLayerCornerRadius is not working -

I have an outlet from the pop animation code inside the storyboard and the UIButton:

  @property (strong, non-monom) IBotlate UIView * animationview; ... ... POPBasic Animation * AnimationCracle = [Pop Background Animation AnimationEpproper Named: KPOPLayer Corner Radius]; = @ (auto animation scene; Layer Corner Redes / 2); = @ "Enemyja Karchal"; Animationcrack.limaget = self; [Self. AnimationViewPop_AidAnimation: AnimationCarrick Farkee: @ "AnimejaCertal"];  

My animation is not working and I do not know why ...

In my debug area this is:

  2015-03-17 11: 28: 00.321 Custom Control [575 9: 32599] - [UIView Corner Radius]: 0x7fc79ac720c0 sent to unknown selector for example  

and my Stop the pop frame on this part of the exception breakpoint OS:

  {kPOPLayerCornerRadius, ^ (CALayer * obj, CGFloat values ​​[]) {value [0] = [obj cornerRadius]; // exception breakpoint is on this line here}, ^ (CALayer * obj, const CGFlot value []) {[obj setCornerRadius: value [0]]; }, KPOPThresholdRadius}  

You can also give me an example of a corner RDS animation with pop that I can use, I want to work with Facebook Pop.

Thank you!

kPOPLayerCornerRadius is a layer property that is not visible property so you can add Required layer does not have animation view, then this line:

  [auto. Animative scene Pop_Aid animation: Animation Carrick Farkee: @ "Enemyja Keralle"];  

should be:

  [self Animationview. Player Pop_Aid animation: Animation Carrickle KKA: @ "Enemyja Carrick"];  

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