Joomla 3 Component Security Question (sorry Nob) I got a component, I want site and administrator part so that different access Setting. Joomla examples begin to focus on admin security, especially admin \ access.xml.
Can I set up access to the group level on the "Site" side of my component? if so, how?
Thank you, this is the best document I found, but I do not believe it solves my question.
You have the right document, if it is already correct in the backend If you work in a manner, you can use it in the frontend. As a tutorial, you have to add:
// login check: Is this user allowed to use the backend of this component? (JFactory :: getUser () - & gt; Authorize ('core.mustion', 'com_urcommonant')) {// Error below: Journal :: Returning Jearing (404, Jetext :: _ ('Jarroll_AlertonOuother ')); } Else {// [...] Content for limited access is here)
in place of the core. Administration
The ACL requirements you can enter Check is against For example, core.edit
, core.manage
, core.yourown
etc. There is no need to create a separate file for the foreground, in the admin / Access.xml
file in these login control conditions.