Sunday, 15 August 2010

ios - NSURLSession background upload - need to enable background modes? -

I am immediately converting NSURLSession to upload many backgrounds like this: < / P>

  Session configuration = [NSUrLationInstallation BackgroundConfirmationSubject: myIdentifier];  

Everything seems to work fine for a very big part, but I am thinking that I need to bring a background to the P.list if all I am is uploading and uploading backgrounds is not ?. I'm not getting the documentation saying that I want or should not, especially on XCode 5+, I would like to know that under abilities> background mode, should I be able to bring the background or not, if I I am doing background uploads, note that after the upload is complete, I read the reaction, which is considered as "download". The official guide announces the execution of three types of background:

  1. Performing finite-length tasks - UIApplication method by using beginBackgroundTaskWithName: endingHandler: to execute the finite time task.
  2. Download content in the background - Using NSURLSession to download content. The NSURL session provided by your app is run on a different system level daemon and when it is completed, the full handler returns to the app via the app. (Implementation mentioned above)
  3. Implement long-lasting work - Operations that require long-lasting operations are operated in this category, such as audio, VoIP In the info.plist, location, download procedures, updated content, this type of work needs special UIBackgroundModes .

Then answer your question, you do not have the UIBackgroundModes key, unless you are in the long-running job category.

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