Sunday, 15 May 2011

internet explorer - What is this IE CSS bug called? (Double vertical padding) -

(Note, this is not a double margin bug. I'm saying this double-vertical-padding bug then Unless there is no more clever / documented name for this?)

Just when I thought I saw all the false IE CSS bugs, I have done a simple test The case that continues to mislead me looks down the page and works great in FF, Opera, et al though, IE 6 and IE7 seems to be confused. I will let the document given below speak for itself.

Edit: I have put it at the following URL:
Open it in IE and compare it again in FF.

My question is: What is this bug called? (Did I miss it somewhere? Has it been found?) I am familiar with the 3px jog bug and double- (horizontal) -margin bugs and many other float-related bugs ... but the vertical padding is being repeated ? (And to the wrong place, to boot.)

  & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transitional // N" http: // www.">" target="_blank"> html xmlns = ""> gt; Top & gt; Lt; meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; Charset = ISO-8859-1 "/>  Title> IE Bork! <LT; / title> Style Type =" Text / CSS "> Html, Body {Margin: 0; padding: 0;} # container {border: 1px solid red; background color: # CC99CC; width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; paddle-top: 100px;} # sidebar {float: left; display: inline; Width: 200px; border: 1px solid blue; background color: # 00CCFF; #content {float: right; display: inline; width: 510px; border: 1px solid green; background color: # 66CC99;} clear { Explicit: Both; / * height: 0 pixels; Lt; <lt; setting: Setting height is the only thing that makes this work as expected?!? * / Background color: #CCCCCC; / * BG color here only for debugging * / Style >> gt; body & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; div id = "container" & gt; div id = "sidebar" & gt; i am sidebar & lt; / Div> <div id = "content" & gt; I & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div class = "clear" & gt; & lt ;! - clear! - & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; P & gt; There should be 100 pixels space above the two floats, but the & lt; Em> No & lt; / Em> The place below ... & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; </code> </pre> <p> PS, I finally understood how to please IE on this. The solution to show the bug (clearly set a height on my "clear" div) has been commented; I can live only for the last few hours of my life that I had to stumble in the real issue / solution! </p> <p> Thank you! </p> </div> <p> <div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> <p> Given the solution you found, it seems IE quirk. </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </p> </html> <br /> 
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